Sunday 29 April 2012

Football News

Joseph Guardiola Leaves FC Barcelona

Its official Joseph  Guardiola the head coach of FC Barcelona is leaving on the 30th of June this year. It was been an emotional time for the footballing community world wide seeing the success and legacy of this man over the last four seasons. The structure and style adopted by Guardiloa has brought creativity and excitement to the beautiful game and I myself have studied hundreds of his games.

The repositioning of my all time favorite player Lionel Messi was amazing and clever. This strategy, is now commonly known as the 'false nine', moving the 24-year-old into a deep central striking role and allowing him licence to confuse and trick midfielders and defenders, has unleashed a torrent of goals rarely seen in football history.

Also the risk, and thrill, of consistently playing three at the back in order to produce superiority of numbers in midfield and, thus, more scoring chances, and recently his choice of regularly using four forwards, will be a long lasting memory for some football romantics.

The reason for his departure was because as he said:

"These past four years have emptied my reservoirs and now I need to fill them again," said Guardiola in a press conference attended by both journalists and some of his leading players. "That is the fundamental reason that I have announced my era here has finished. A coach needs to have passion and energy with which to infuse his players so that they can approach matches full of enthusiasm.
"This is what I need to recover and I will only get that back by resting. I am truly satisfied with what we have achieved and above all by the way we have achieved it. I would like to thank my players for the privilege it has been to coach them and for helping me to enjoy this job. They made me very happy game after game.

Sir Alex Ferguson coaching Manchester United for 25years

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